wtorek, 22 listopada 2011

Today I'm very busy

Today I'm very busy.
In the morning I took my little cousin to school, because his mum looked after his ill little sister.
Then I had my lessons. I finished lessons at 13.15p.m. and I helped my mum to cook dinner.
Next I did my homework.
In the evening my ceute dog ate three flowers, I had to clean my room again.   


Horrors film

I like horror films.
On Saturday I watched two horrors " Insidious" and "Dom woskowych ciał" with my classmate Kasia.
I think these films are interesting and a bit scary.
There was a lot of  boold.         


niedziela, 20 listopada 2011

Hi, my name is Ola

Hi, my name is Ola Gałązka.
I live in Lublin and I go to class 1d gimnasium.
I like studying English and German.               



I also like playing basketball.
I play in a school tem.
I practise once a week for forty-five minutes.
Next week we are playing a match with teams from other schools.                  


My dog **Niko**

 My favourite animal are dogs.                                                                    
I have a schitzu dog.                                                                       
His name is Niko.
Niko is a small, brown, white and black dog.
He likes going for a walk and playing with his toys.
He is very nice and funny.
Niko loves hugging, putting and sleeping on the bed.
Sometimes I wash him and look after him when he is ill.